ATRON has an electron beam and an X-ray irradiation line (called FELIX because of the french translation "Faisceau d’Electrons et d'une Ligne d’Irradiation X") allowing the electronic or X-ray irradiation of materials.
Our accelerator allows the emission of electrons or X-ray photons from 0.2 to 3.5 MeV. It was designed and tailor-made by HVE (NL) according to our specifications.
This electrostatic electron accelerator has a footprint of 10.4×6.9 m², and finds its place within a dedicated facility in the Cherbourg-en-Cotentin industrial basin.
The irradiation room, in which the electron beam is delivered to a removable conversion target, has dimensions of 3×6 m². Its access through a baffle allows to irradiate volumes of materials up to 1 m³.
The beam is adjustable in current (from pA to mA) and in terms of voltage (0.2 to 3.5 MV) so that a very large dynamic range of dose equivalent can be achieved, from 0.1 μGy/h to 1000 Gy/h.